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Professional Development for Librarians

The Arkansas State Library provides training and professional development opportunities to the state’s library workforce to improve skills and foster leadership within the profession.

Library Development staff is available to provide customized training for public libraries on a wide variety of topics including Customer Service, Children’s and Young Adult Services, Public Library Trustee Orientation, and more.

People Connect Institute (PCI) Webinars

PCI Webinars is provided free of charge to the Arkansas Library community by the Arkansas State Library. New webinars are offered every Wednesday at 1 p.m. Central time. Upcoming webinars are listed on the Events page.

Arkansas Library Leadership Institute (ALL-In)

ALL-In is a professional development opportunity for library workers in the state of Arkansas designed to develop leadership skills in participants and enhance the delivery of library services for all Arkansans. The institute is held every three to four years.

Youth Services Workshop

The Arkansas State Library hosts an annual Youth Services Workshop for all public library or school library media specialist staff working with children of all ages from birth through the teen years.

This day long event features a special keynote speaker and up to eighteen break out session options focused on improving professional knowledge and rejuvenating the passion of those who serve these challenging age groups.

Myers-Briggs Personality Type Workshops

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is one of the world’s most widely used and popular personality tools. The MBTI® can be used in the workplace to improve communication, motivate employees, and reduce conflict by helping users develop self-awareness and understanding of others. A certified MBTI® practitioner is available to administer the MBTI® assessment and lead a training session at in-staff service and staff development days for all Arkansas Libraries.


WebJunction is an online learning platform that provides free training and staff development programs for library workers. Employees of public, academic, special or school libraries and archives are eligible to create an account.

Courses and webinars build the knowledge, skills and confidence of library staff to power relevant, vibrant libraries. WebJunction includes:

  • Self-paced courses on library topics
  • On-demand access to curated webinar archives

Other Professional Development Opportunities

Additional workshops on a wide variety of topics are held throughout the year. Watch for announcements of those workshops on professional listservs and on the events section of the ASL website.

For more information, contact: