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Level Up Your Library With AI: Practical Uses for Library Staff and Patrons (Webinar)

February 21, presented by Kira Smith

The future is here – learn how artificial intelligence is transforming libraries! Join our insightful webinar to discover how leading libraries leverage AI to improve programs, empower patrons, streamline operations, and offer cutting-edge services.

We’ll explore real-world examples and demo the latest AI applications for tasks like research, readers’ advisory, marketing, data analysis and routine writing. Take advantage of this opportunity to prepare your library for an AI-enabled future.

As a result of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Share actionable strategies to implement AI in ways that augment (rather than replace) human expertise
  • Understand how libraries big and small can make the most of AI to create more valuable, personalized experiences for patrons and new efficiencies for staff

Online Registration

Kira Smith – Biography

Kira is a Virtual Reference Specialist for Florida’s Ask A Librarian service and helps coordinate Florida’s statewide delivery service. With Master’s Degrees in Library Science and Education, Kira brings a strong educational foundation to her work. She is passionate about helping people find the information they need. Additionally, she freelances as a research consultant for journalists. Her background includes experience as an elementary school teacher and childbirth educator. Kira’s interests lie in teaching, technology, and travel. She is also an aspiring prompt engineer, and she is excited to see what the future holds for this emerging field.

The views expressed in webinars provided by PCI do not necessarily reflect the views or official policies of the State of Arkansas, the Arkansas Department of Education, or the Arkansas State Library.